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King Charles stands accused of having links to slavery, such as Charles II the Second, and the Africa Trading company.





This true story, is based on real events supported by hard and verified documentary evidence.




Where interest has been expressed in the production of a proposed 6-10 part television series, as a networked/streamed docu-drama.,  The 'Alliance' is building in flexibility, as mix and match chapters, for optimal screenings, or the order of telling, to boost ratings.


To include, cherry picking the more remarkable scenes for alternative feature film format: prequel, movie, sequel. By way of example.


The victim is agreeable to and has by agreement, made original documents available on which to base the true story, the exception being the usual practice, a change of his name to protect his identity. Thus, the protagonist is known as Victor von Woolfe. Though the identities of the officials concerned remain as per their part in the vendetta that unfolds. Only the dialogue is fictionally imagined.


The Alliance attests that all profits from screenings, are to go to a charity that defends human rights and/or preserves heritage assets.


The victim has provided access to his files on a free basis, and requires no form of remuneration. This is his contribution to the unjust society that tormented him relentlessly at great cost to the taxpayer, in the hope that lessons are learned by council and police officials: it is better to be honest in the long run.




This is a sample of movies and TV series, that the treatment of 'The Colonial Bulldog' could follow - by way of suggestion to script writers.


Screenplays should contain a significant element of light and dark humour, in order to inject situational comedy to an otherwise serious subject. Thus making the subject matter more palatable to young and old alike, liberal and conservative audiences. 


Where some of the movies cited contain considerable swathes of bloodletting and violence, such entertainment is to be replaced by intellectual beatings, rather than physical action. Though, there is one scene where a council officer, David Phillips, sought to push his way past the 'Bulldog' and was resisted; the Bulldog standing fast. And another where Don Wales, almost lunged at the 'Colonial' seeking to grab a tape recording of a company Annual General Meeting; he thought better of it:



Django Unchained 2012

Double Jeopardy 1999

Enemy of the State 1998

John Wick 2014

Gladiator 2000

Rambo First Blood 1982

Rules of Engagement 2000

Sisu 2023

The Bonfire of the Vanities 1990

The Crown, Netflix 2013 - 2023

The Fugitive 1993

Yes (Prime) Minister 1980 - 1988








Victor von Woolfe is The British Colonial Bulldog, the South African Iron Man fighting injustice



THE COLONIAL BULLDOG - Politicians rarely tell the truth. That is one reason the UK's National Debt is so high. A lack of forward planning and reserves, and the inability to read world conditions, has led to the cost of living and climate crises. In this story, our hero is a bull mastiff type of character. A hardy breed, that does not shy from a fight, crossed with wolverine cunning, as the tactics of his opponent is catalogued and analyzed. Their zeal for misdirection, trips them up, when inconvenient facts finally rise to the surface. Finally, The Bulldog began to turn the tables on corrupt planning officials, as he took them on and won appeals for those unable to afford expensive lawyers. Actions speak louder than words. The Colonial became a high profile advocate. The Advocate became a target that must be suffocated, no matter how. The stakes were high.







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This website is Copyright © 2024 Injustice Alliance.

The views, performance reviews and opinions of the Trust are protected by Articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


The names of the main character and some of the supporting characters have been changed to protect their identity. Other characters in this work of fiction, retain their original names, where historical facts are quoted essentially and accurately, with reference to key documents tendered as supporting evidence.

Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The truth is stranger than fiction.