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King Charles stands accused of having links to slavery, such as Charles II the Second, and the Africa Trading company.





This true story, is based on real events supported by hard and verified documentary evidence. The chronology reveals a systematic institutionalised discrimination and unlawful expenditure from the public purse, to continue nursing the lie, and prevent officers and councillor corrupting from being discovered. Even, including Sussex police, and the Courts.




In the beginning


1981 - Victor purchases industrial building

Council prefers to give restoration grant to a local


1982 - The vendetta begins

Tree Preservation Order


1983 Council protect dangerous trees, instead of seeking removal

Enforcement (pumping house) & appeal


1986 Conspiracy to deceive Planning Inspectorate Dannruether

Marriage & Crown Court prosecution


1987-1988 stepping up vendetta

Divorce & Bankruptcy


1991-94 Marriage sours, transfers home to wife, goodwill gesture

Trust is formed


1995/6 Heritage asset held in trust

Planning applications/appeals


1997 Conversion to residential or commercial

High Court injunctions


1997 Justice Steele: No toilets for you

Petition Twelve Good Citizens


1997 Panel refers criminal element to Sussex police

Hammer Lane (chicken) Farm


Citizen's arrest, unauthorized site visit, including Sussex police

Health & Safety in the High Court


1997 Dame Butler Sloss: Put toilets back

Bushywood Animal Sanctuary (Stables Demolition) A22


1997 December, Appeal, Michael & Valerie Punter (costs award)

Conspiracy with Sussex police


1998 Refusal to investigate and fraudulent letter to Full Council

Tree Preservation Order review


1998 Adjustment to Order - Stephanie Wallis

Don Wales & Bluebird Electric Limited


1998 Injunction in the London Patent Court

Sx Industrial Archaeology


1998 Pumping station is original

East Sussex County Council


1999 London University, Archaeological, Report

186 Gestapo style site raids


Cost to taxpayers Up to 2000 in excess of £500,000 pounds

The Human Rights Act 1998


Law from 2000

Engagement to Mason's daughter


2003 Psychiatric nurse in Hailsham

Vendetta gathers pace with Statutory Demand


2003 Mason does deal to keep Victor with his daughter

The Deal, Wealden agree to admit heritage asset


2004/5 Eastbourne County Court (Trevor Scott & Abbott)

Mason's daughter gets violent (dare leave, we'll get you)


2005 Victor calls off engagement, leaves

Twissells Mill, Nettlesworth Lane, timber mobile home


2006, January, Enforcement Appeal, Charles Warren (quashed)

Fabricated allegation of rape


2006 Victor is charged Sussex police

Unused evidence, inconvenient to conviction is buried


2007 Other persons contacted confirmed a good guy

Timothy Stirmey & Julian Dale


2007 Barrister refuses to challenge medical evidence

Timothy Stirmey & Julian Dale


2007 Refuse to take statements from character witnesses

Judge Cedric Joseph


2008 Misdirects the jury as to medical evidence & diary

Victor is wrongly convicted


2008 Without any defence, jury have no option

Wrongful imprisonment & no right of appeal


Single Judge deliberately fudges [box] court refuse transcripts

HM Prisons flaunt human rights


Prison diaries, multiple Ombudsman findings: rights violations

New medical evidence proves virginity


2011 Jury were misled, the claimant was intact

Medical evidence transcript supplied late by CCRC


2012 Onerous licence conditions

Judicial Review - entitled to discriminate


2012 of CCRC's refusal to refer to Court of Appeal

European Court supplied with Medical evidence


2013 Strike case, ECHR wrongly assuming domestic remedy







More enforcement raids












Further accusations 


2019 Allegations of malicious communications (Kara Tombling)




Fraudulent council tax demands


Non transit in res judicarta, abuse of authority, Vendetta resumes







Council want cake and eat it


2023 Trying to generate more costs, as per toilet fiasco




Proposed 6-10 part television series, as a networked/streamed docu-drama. Based on a true story








Victor von Woolfe is The British Colonial Bulldog, the South African Iron Man fighting injustice



THE COLONIAL BULLDOG - Politicians rarely tell the truth. That is one reason the UK's National Debt is so high. A lack of forward planning and reserves, and the inability to read world conditions, has led to the cost of living and climate crises. In this story, our hero is a bull mastiff type of character. A hardy breed, that does not shy from a fight, crossed with wolverine cunning, as the tactics of his opponent is catalogued and analyzed. Their zeal for misdirection, trips them up, when inconvenient facts finally rise to the surface. Finally, The Bulldog began to turn the tables on corrupt planning officials, as he took them on and won appeals for those unable to afford expensive lawyers. Actions speak louder than words. The Colonial became a high profile advocate. The Advocate became a target that must be suffocated, no matter how. The stakes were high.









Corruption lurks in every corridor of local and national buildings. Queen Elizabeth was asked for help. She declined. The duty to provide an effective remedy, now rests with King Charles. Incompatibility in Human Rights terms, is where one statute does not comply with HR statute. The European Convention does include Article 13, the right to an effective remedy. The British decided to leave that vital part of the Convention out of domestic legislation, because, it would mean having to put right, the subject matter of this present story, being developed as a book, and screenplay for a documentary-drama television series, or, docu-drama. It was Adolf Hitler who adopted such tactics, to control citizens protesting about the Gestapo, and other human rights abuses in Nazi Germany.






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This website is Copyright © 2023 Injustice Alliance.

The views, performance reviews and opinions of the Trust are protected by Articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


The names of the main character and some of the supporting characters have been changed to protect their identity. Other characters in this work of fiction, retain their original names, where historical facts are quoted essentially and accurately, with reference to key documents tendered as supporting evidence.

Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The truth is stranger than fiction.