V A L E N T I N E ' S  D A Y  M A S S A C R E



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THE BULLDOG - Politicians rarely tell the truth. That is one reason the UK's National Debt is so high. A lack of forward planning and reserves, and the inability to read world conditions, has led to the cost of living and climate crises. In this story, our hero is a bull mastiff type of character. A hardy breed, that does not shy from a fight, crossed with wolverine cunning, as the tactics of his opponent is catalogued and analyzed. Their zeal for misdirection, trips them up, when inconvenient facts finally rise to the surface. Finally, The Bulldog began to turn the tables on corrupt planning officials, as he took them on and won appeals for those unable to afford expensive lawyers. Actions speak louder than words. The Colonial became a high profile advocate. The Advocate became a target that must be suffocated, no matter how. The stakes were high.





In this true story, based on real events, the "Colonial Bulldog," was charged with sexual offences, as a way of discrediting the planning activist. The Crown Prosecution Service, (CPS) working with Sussex police and Wealden District Council (WDC), had conspired not only to present medical evidence which they knew to be incorrect, but also to agree that Julian Dale would not defend the allegation as the sending of a saucy Valentines Day card, even though the Mother had written in Victor's diary, not to forget the cards for Valentines Day.


Having urged our hero to send her cards year on year, she then kept those cards for future use. She had been defrauding the system herself, claiming benefits and not declaring rents from another property she owned; also not declared. The Mother was thus a fraudster, much like Wealden and Sussex police. It was thus in the interests of the Councillors's daughter, to take her former partner down, apart from gaining satisfaction against the revenge element of being jilted. All she had to do to accomplish that was groom a vulnerable child, in this case her daughter, who was earnestly missing her father figure, needing to redirect her tensions, to fill the void. Mother was a psychiatric nurse, fully up on psychological ploys. All she had to do was go along with her father's agenda and persuade her vulnerable daughter, that Victor was a bad person. An easy task, where the daughter was missing the stability that the South African had brought to their dysfunctional family.


All of this was to the obvious delight of Councillor Brian West, where he had admitted that he'd voted for enforcement action as a newly elected district member of Wealden around and about 1995, even though he knew the Area Plans South planning committee were being lied to. The cover up of the cover up would be complete if they could pull this one off. Wealden's Cabinet members were on the hook, Councillor West was urged by fellow cabinet member, Councillor Nigel Coltman, to use his influence as a Master Mason. Emails to that effect had been intercepted. "That did not go as planned."









The Gestapo would simply torture you physically, then send you to a concentration camp to be worked to death. Wealden Council, working conspiratorially with Sussex police, will frame you, then make sure the facts of the matter are misrepresented to a Jury, to ensure a conviction.





Once the truth of the association between Wealden, the Councillor and Sussex police is established, a Court of Appeal would be bound to the doctrine to rule the conviction unsafe, invoking the civil case precedent in Canterbury City Council ex-parte Spring Image Ltd. 1991, and in the criminal courts with: R (The King) v Sussex Justices ex-parte McCarthy 1924.


But, in the UK, the State has arranged the legal system (Judiciary) so that there is no way back to a Court of Appeal, except via a Single Judge (within 28 days) or via the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) after 28 days. In the case of the CCRC, they are an organization that by virtue of the decision of three judges in an application for a Judicial Review of the CCRC refusal to refer to the Court of Appeal, are allowed to discriminate. Despite the fact that discrimination is illegal in the United Kingdom as per Article 14 of the Human Rights Act 1998. Discrimination is rife.


A referral by the CCRC is the only way back to an Appeal Court as the law stands at present, the British Bulldog appears to be left with only one way to redress the injustice, an audience with the King, as per the 1689 Bill of Rights. Should that fail, the European Court of Human Rights has already shown that they are biased. Being politically swayed. Hence, the International Court at the Hague, might be the last refuge of justice, except that a single complainant, might not be eligible.


The UK has no Written Constitution, being a Constitutional Monarchy - presently in disarray. Meaning, that the Head of State, currently King Charles III, can sway the independence of the Courts, using the Honours System. Otherwise known as the Old Boys Act. Judges are routinely awarded gongs, for covering up injustices. It's called "Noble Cause Corruption." But there is nothing noble about it.












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The names of the main character and some of the supporting characters have been changed to protect their identity. Other characters in this work of fiction, retain their original names, where historical facts are quoted essentially and accurately, with reference to key documents tendered as supporting evidence.

Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The truth is stranger than fiction.